Futures Initiative

  • Futures Council AI

    The Africa House Futures Council on AI unites global experts and leaders to harness AI for economic growth and social development in Africa. The Council explores challenges, fosters innovation, empowers businesses, shapes policy, and builds capacity for a future where AI unlocks Africa's full potential.

  • Futures Healthcare

    The Africa House Future Council on Healthcare unites global health experts, policymakers, and business leaders to transform healthcare delivery and access across Africa through strategic partnerships. The Council focuses on innovative solutions, equitable access, capacity building, and policy reform to achieve better health outcomes for all Africans. By fostering collaboration and championing evidence-based approaches, the Council envisions a future where every African enjoys a healthy and fulfilling life.

  • Futures EdTech and Literacy

    The Africa House Future Council on EdTech and Literacy unites global leaders to transform education access and quality in Africa through strategic partnerships, innovative EdTech solutions, and policy reform, ensuring every African has access to quality education.

“Africa House is committed to upskilling 1 million Africans by 2035 with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st-century economy.”

— Shanthi Annan, Executive Director

Future Force

Africa's workforce is the world's future. The UN predicts that by 2100, Africa's population will reach a staggering 4.3 billion people, comprising 39% of the global population. Africa House's Future Force initiative is a bold and innovative response to this demographic transformation, harnessing the power of collaboration to unlock the continent's vast human potential.

Future Force: Building the Workforce of Tomorrow, Today

Future Force is not just about training for existing jobs; it's about empowering a new generation of African leaders, entrepreneurs, and changemakers to shape the industries of the future. We're building a talent pipeline that's adaptable, resilient, and equipped with the skills to thrive in the 21st century's rapidly evolving economy.

Africa House's Future Force is revolutionizing workforce development by forging dynamic partnerships, leveraging data-driven solutions, embracing cutting-edge EdTech, fostering mentorship, and nurturing entrepreneurship. This multi-faceted approach empowers African talent, bridges skill gaps, and fuels economic growth.

The Future of Africa is in Its People

Future Force is more than just an initiative; it's a movement. We're building a future where Africa is not just a source of labor, but a powerhouse of innovation, creativity, and economic dynamism. By investing in human capital, we're creating a ripple effect that will transform communities, industries, and entire economies.

We invite partners who share our vision to join us in building this future-ready workforce for Africa.